Saturday, April 30, 2011

Long Time, No See/Book Snobs

I love books...obviously. Otherwise, I wouldn't be an author. For some reason, I just took it for granted that everyone enjoys reading. You've probably already figured this out, but I had to travel to a different time zone to notice this. When some fellow college students from my church and I went to China I was uber excited to build incredible friendships that I assumed would be based on a shared love of books (because I'm a nerd :P). When striking up initial conversations one usually starts with asking questions depending on your own interests. Naturally I asked "do you like books" when I meet my first Chinese friends and the first few really loved to read so I remained in my delusional bibliophile world. Ironically, my dearest friend met in China (whose English name is Alana) didn't like reading at all. I was shocked. I don't know why. Reading is a hobby so it only makes sense that some people wouldn't prefer it, but I was still taken aback.
Usually in the States I looked down on people who didn't like to read, but when I met Alana it all came together. Not everyone likes the same things...what a concept, right? Despite having basically nothing in common, Alana and I stuck together like glue and really enjoyed each other's company. Thus I realized another truth: not all people that don't like reading for fun are stupid. Of course, I had never said this out loud, but subconsciously I believed it. I was a book snob.

Then, when I came back to the States, I discovered that one of my Korean students/friends also dislikes reading for fun. Gasp! It too was a surprise. We think that reading is a way of learning to analyze and explore things, which is true; however, this student is the deepest, most astute person I know. She understands concepts of humanity that most avid readers I know are completely blind to. I have a very good friend who "loves books" but isn't nearly as observant or considerate of the world around her. I chalk this up to personality, but also to the type of books my "good friend" indulges in. A bonus truth: most dedicated readers only read escapist fiction, which almost always has deeper, hidden meanings, but usually they aren't looking for meaning, only to runaway from the world.

So, in case you are a book snob still in denial, let me tell you that people who don't share the same opinion as you are not ignorant illiterates.

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