Sunday, May 15, 2011

O, the Many Paths of Life

Do you ever feel like your life is one of those choose-your-own-ending books? I do.
It seems like there are so many options and so many different turns your life can take, each one affecting the outcome. Should I go here? Should I go to this school? Should I take this job? What should I write about? What should I eat for lunch?! Okay, so maybe what you eat for lunch isn't as major, but it really is if you think about it in the long run (but that's an entirely different post).
Even little, seemingly insignificant decisions can lead to running into a person you wouldn't have otherwise seen, or hearing something you needed to. All events in our lives build upon each other, making us who we are. So what if you make a decision differently than how you should? How will it alter your life?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tribute of the Mother's Day Variety

None of us would be here without our moms. I mean that's physically impossible for us to have been born without a mother.
Other than that, though, it's also impossible for us to be where we are today without a maternal figure in our lives. I've been blessed with a fantastic mom. Of course we have our differences at times, but we enjoy a much deeper relationship than most daughters can claim.
My life right now is a direct result of my mom's influence. She was the first person on either side of my family to become a Christian and without that occurrence, I wouldn't have gone to church when I was little. I wouldn't have heard that sermon when I was five, the day I decided to accept Christ into my heart. I wouldn't have grown up in an environment powered by Mom that encouraged me to make decisions based on what God wanted for my life.
When I was five years old, my mom almost died from an extremely serious illness. Those times were intense, but she's still kicking and at a greatly force than ever before...and completely healed too!
She's silly, she's weird, she's beautiful, she's funny, and I love her more than anyone can even know.

Long story short, it's a good thing Mom's in my life. And I'll never stop praising the Lord for putting (and keeping) her here with us.